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Choose your package plan

Find one that works for you

  • Standard Membership

    Every year
    Membership plus benefits
    • . Annual member fee
    • . Free delivery to your address
    • . Automatically get 3% discount for all products
    • . Pre-sale and advance notice upcoming events and specials
    • . Pre-order for new arrivals
    • . Pause membership at anytime without penalty
  • Silver Membership

    Every year
    Benefits plus 6 bottles our regular wine collection
    • . Annual member fee
    • . Free delivery to your address
    • . Automatically get 3% discount for all products
    • . Pre-sale and advance notice upcoming events and specials
    • . Pre-order for new arrivals
    • . Pause membership at anytime without penalty
    • . 6-bottals our regular wine collection
  • Gold Membership

    Every year
    Benefits plus 6 bottles our reserve wine collection
    • . Annual member fee
    • . Free delivery to your address
    • . Automatically get 5% discount for all products
    • . Pre-sale and advance notice upcoming events and specials
    • . Pre-order for new arrivals
    • . Pause membership at anytime without penalty
    • . Our partners 5% discount(you can find in our partner page)
    • . 6-bottles of our reserve wine collection
  • Dimond Membership

    Every year
    Benefits plus 6 bottles our exclusive wine collection
    • . Annual member fee
    • . Free delivery to your address
    • . Automatically get 10 % discount for all products
    • . Pre-sale and advance notice upcoming events and specials
    • . Pre-order for new arrivals
    • . Pause membership at anytime without penalty
    • Our partner 5% discount(you can see in our partner page)
    • Exclusive dinner with the Dimond Members by Euroalcous
    • 6-bottle of our exclusive wine collection
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